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1:1 sessions & mentorships available 

Shamanic healing, energy & soul work

Are you ready to reconnect with your whole life force energy?
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Master your energy field, reclaim balance, nourish your body & soul, deepen your:

empowerment | life force | balance| focus | manifestation | clarity | radiance | intuition| spirit-body integration
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1:1 Energy / Shamanic / Soul Sessions - 1hr
  • Aura balancing & healing
  • Power Retrieval
  • Energy Expansion
  • Akashic / Soul guidance
Energy Mastery Mentorship 
with AuraTransformation - unique for each person.
  • AuraTransformation

  • Energy mastery practices

  • Consciousness expansion

  • Life Coaching

  • Masculine-Feminine Balancing

Realise the power & potential of your energy field

An AuraTransformation is a one-off radical treatment that permanently heals and upgrades the ‘old time’ energy field into the more advanced energy structure children are now being born with. There is a deep fusion of spirit with body, in a way that mobilises greater purpose, wholeness, resilience, and clarity.

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Why do I need it?


Can you relate to a feeling of limitation, like you know you’re meant to be stepping into something greater but can’t seem to break out of the invisible cell around you? This could be because your aura is now too limiting for the energetic potential available. The ‘old time’ aura (for people born before the mid 90's) is outdated. Many people also have severely dissolved or sensitised auras, have suffered extreme power loss, or otherwise are in need of energetic repair. 


Many parents too are struggling to deal with the energy demands of their 'New Time Children' whose life force power greatly exceeds their own. Some of the benefits following an AuraTransformation:

  • Freedom from the 'grey' mental and emotional clutter that confuses & can hold you back
  • Increased energy, life force and vitality from being fully present and ‘together’ in your energies
  • Greater visibility towards your own imbalances and others', including an improved 'bullshit radar'
  • A greater state of joy and well-being from being ‘you’ and living freely & authentically
  • The ability to ‘meet’ your children and enjoy greater rapport and healthier boundaries with them
  • Greater focus, clarity and intuition – you know and prioritise what is right for you and the ‘whole'
  • Enhanced ability to remain balanced and keep integrity in the midst of challenge
  • Greater innate drive towards taking action; greater fearlessness & daring
  • More manifesting power and freedom to create your life according to your purpose and joy
  • Greater protection, grounding, magnetism and radiance
  • Growing simplicity, wholeness, and synergy between all aspects of your being

Does it mean you'll never have problems again? Of course not. But you'll be stronger on every level to face life's challenges, and have greater courage to create a very different path in life - one led by your Spirit. 


Become You

Although AuraTransformation provides you with a 'new aura,' this doesn't alter who you are fundamentally - it actually makes you more your TRUE SELF, as it integrates more of your higher self / spirit,  while  providing a more powerful vehicle for it.


The sessions are held ceremonially & comprise many elements, including soul retrieval, energy clearing, aura healing, magnetic field building. In addition, Karen provides higher psychic-intuitive information throughout the sessions, benefiting you with a fuller multi-dimensional experience.


During AuraT sessions, the client lies down and is guided into a state of relaxed presence, whilst the Mediator holds the client's feet and facilitates the process.


People report experiencing a variety of things during the sessions, from deep relaxation, to heat, waves of energy, and often experience their own visions etc. 

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"Since having the AuraTransformation so much has radically fallen into place. I feel not afraid to speak my truth, my NO's are clear and my intuition has sharpened... I feel radical in the sense of complete authentity and fear seems to have quietened down. 

It's like all my years of growth are coming together and I am feeling this power to deeply heal my physical body like never before. I feel present and full up with a deeper conviction of self directed living... that I have all the answers for my health and living and I am excited to really become the optimal being that I was born to be. My diet and lifestyle are being radically changed. 

Thank you Karen Aiyana Birch for holding such a sacred and life changing space. You have such a gift for seeing the other and creating the change that is needed for us all to evolve. Seeing you live in such alignment and creativity is a true inspiration."

Annabelle Nicoll, Ceremonial Facilitator & Artist, Brighton, UK,

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Aura Transformation is a permanent treatment that is performed in two ceremonial sessions, a few days apart. It can take anything between 3 to 5 hours in total to complete, depending on the individual's and environmental energies present.


Karen only offers this powerful treatment in conjunction with a period of mentorship for people seeking self mastery, and to step into greater leadership as a change maker in this world. 

To note:

If you were born after the early 90's, you may only need a simpler, shorter AuraAdjustment or Balance Session

Leading UK Aura Mediator since 2012

Becoming one of the first Aura Meditators to be trained in the UK, I have been passionately educating people about how their energy works, since my own AuraTransformation (& subsequent training as a Mediator), which completely changed my life. 


For 12 years, I had been committed to the path of self-realisation through meditation, which opened my intuitive clairvoyance. I believed nothing could be as powerful at transforming one’s consciousness as meditation. Whilst this remains true on a conscious level, the AuraTransformation radically shifts everything at a human functioning level, like a software upgrade. 


In receiving this upgrade, I then saw how the ‘lightness' I had previously attained through spiritual practice had created over-sensitivity, a common ‘problem’ in today’s energetic climate, and through the transformation now occurring in my energy field, I was becoming radically stronger, more focused, empowered and whole - in effect, a more advanced and optimised human being.


I know without a doubt that I would never have been bold or strong enough to do what I am doing today, had I not had the AuraTransformation. 

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"How my life has changed since you did my Aura Transformation. I now know what I want, what I don’t want, and I can no longer tolerate living with things inside me that need to be said – they come out! I no longer feel guilty or shameful about feelings I have.

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