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The Self Mastery Program

levels I -II

level I

The times we are living in call all noble hearts to mastery

With the acceleration of life’s pace and the earth’s whole-system destabilization into a new energetic paradigm, there are several choices available to us: to be numb and detached, to try to escape, or to rise to Mastery

Joining these programs activates the quantum blueprint of your empowered consciousness,

for use in this physical present time & body, where many of us are being called to action, to lead new ways of life for a New Earth. 

You will learn:

  • How to create solidarity, power, intra-connection.


  • How to listen to and trust your energies, e.g. the body’s intelligence, your heart, your energy field, your Spirit.


  • Embody what it means to be fully actualised in Masculine and Feminine.


  • Find how to break the cycle of nervous system dysregulation & burn out, whilst still being productive with purpose.


  • How can we become clear of all external narratives and energies.


  • Live what it means to manifest your life from deep magic, as the inner Artist.​

Grainy Surface

Happiness, fulfilment, well-being, peace, life success, balance, and perhaps even mastery and enlightenment: all are the work of a lifetime(s).

Yet with dedication and consistency to a coherent path, and the support of a guide and community we can advance far greater and faster than the default pace. 

level II

At the heart of all ancient high alchemy traditions is the knowledge that Source has Twelve 'Rays'.

Self-Mastery Level II works with the Mastery Keys, Twelve ‘Archetypes’, ‘Rays’ or ‘Faces’ of the Source Blueprint that are available to us at this time. Feminine and Masculine, they represent the ultimate balance and unity principle.


Each Key has a specific, initiatory pathway, where one Key opens a Gateway that leads to the next. It helps initiates re-member, to awaken to the full scope of their Stellar Source Blueprint, so they may once again become planetary agents in their journey through the multiverse. ​

Many people prefer to work with the energy of the One Source, through the process of detaching your identity from your human self and reconnecting with the Higher Self. This is an essential aspect, but does not allow for a comprehensive activation of one’s consciousness. 


It is also rooted in the enlightenment pathway of the old time, where the emphasis was on breaking out of the density of the ego by returning to spirit. The new time is about bringing Spirit into Matter and re-integrating (all aspects/rays of) Source within the Earthly Self. 

12 Archetypes that when alchemised together, form the Crystalline Empowered Self.

Grainy Surface

The Mastery Keys Codex includes:

  • The Guided Mastery Keys Meditation


  • The Cosmology of Mastery


  • Embody what it means to be fully actualised in Masculine and Feminine.


  • Personal & Relationship Development work


Sacred Transmission

The Mastery Keys are a complete system of teachings that were transmitted to Karen by High Alchemy Master Rays of Source in 2011-2012, during periods of deep meditative immersion, within the forests of the Surrey Hills, following 12 years of 'preparation' to tune her consciousness to be able to receive it as a pure vessel. This was a very sacred, and very extreme period of her life.


In order to bring the Mastery Keys to the world, she then had to step down from the seat of consciousness needed to be in to receive them, & began the initiatory path of integrating them into her Earthly Self - a lifelong journey.

We are at the dawn of a New Earth, where heaven and earth must unite.

Light and Shadow_edited.jpg

This Mastery work is for people who are already awake and on the path of consciousness expansion. For beginning on the path, it is recommended to start the journey with the Awakening Program
Anyone can work with mastery wisdom lightly as a set of archetypes and system tools.
However, to begin the process of deep initiatory work with the Keys to develop your personal mastery and consciousness capabilities, a ceremonial transmission of the energetic blueprint is required during one of the retreats. 

Ready for Mastery?


This Mastery work is for people who are already awake and on the path of consciousness expansion. For beginning on the path, it is recommended to start the journey with the Awakening Program


Anyone can work with mastery wisdom lightly as a set of archetypes and system tools. However, to begin the process of deep initiatory work with the Keys to develop your personal mastery and consciousness capabilities, a ceremonial transmission of the energetic blueprint is required during one of the retreats. 


"I am still buzzing! It was such a profound ascension course and it’s an exceptional and beautiful work that I feel will be the foundation for me now to move from as a light worker. Doing (or should I say being!) the Mastery Program and connecting with the 12 – 14 energies rather than just one universal energy as we did for the Co-Creation retreat was very advanced.


I came away with no excuses and confidence in manifesting my vision and not being afraid of being hurt."​

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